ACET seeks to inform, educate, and influence the government of the United States, the government of individual states, tribal nations, national and international organizations through resolutions and actions. ACET addresses numerous concerns facing Indian Country through passing its own resolutions, position papers, and press releases and also by affirming and supporting the work of other American Indian organizations.
The following resolutions and statements have been passed by ACET
Resolution Number 2012-07-01: Calling on the Congress of the United States to Affirm the Acknowledgment of Tribes identified in federal records as tribal communities prior to 1960, those who had tribal citizens attend federally funded Indian schools and closely associated Indian mission boarding schools.
Resolution Number 2013-01-09a: The Right to Possess Eagle Feathers.
Resolution Number 2013-01-09b: Respecting Sacred Places.
Resolution Number 2013-02-18: Advisory Statement to State Governments on the Recognition of Tribes.
Resolution Number 2013-03-15: Authorization for ACET to become a signatory on the Legislative History Amicus Brief in Support of Respondents in Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl
Resolution Number 2016-06-08: Against any action seeking to limit the definition of American Indian and related nomenclature to tribes listed by the BIA as federally recognized
Resolution Number 2016-12-14a: Continued Support for Water Protectors at Standing Rock
Resolution Number 2016-12-14b: Adoption of the United Nations and Organization of American States Declarations on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Pattern Revealed at SCIA Roundtable: The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs holds a Roundtable session that reveals that coastal area tribes with colonial histories are being impacted by the inequities of the federal acknowledgment process.
Indian Child Welfare Act Amicus Brief: Prepared by the National Congress of American Indians and the Association on American Indian Affairs and joined by ACET.
The following Resolutions and Policy Statements are from entities other than ACET, but which promote causes in common with ACET:
National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) is the oldest and largest organization of tribal nations in the United States -
NCAI Resolution PDX-11-016: Support the Return of Former Attendance Documented “Non-federal” Boarding School Tribes to Admission at Haskell Indian Nations University in Lawrence, Kansas